Primary Daily Schedule(Sample)
Meals and snacks will be included in the Tuition.
Enrichment Class will have a varied schedule: Social Emotional Learning, Yoga, Music and Dance.
8:00 am: Arrival / Wash hands & Free Play
9:00 am: Montessori Morning Work (Morning Snack will be offered during the work time)
10:40 am: 1st Circle Time (STEM/Theme-based Learning)
11:20 am: Outdoor play/Nature Walk
12:00 pm-12:30 pm: Lunch
12:45 pm: Reading Time/Nappers get ready to take a nap.
1:20 pm: Afternoon Work (Practice extensions/Handwriting)
2:30 pm: 2nd circle time, and nappers wake up. (Literacy/Language Arts)
3:00 pm: Dismissal
3:15 pm: Snack/Free Choice/Outdoor play/Departure
5:30 pm: School Closed
Toddler Daily Schedule(Sample)
8:00 am: Arrival / Wash hands & Free Play /Pull up Check
9:00 am: Morning Snack
9:20 am: Outdoor Plan/Nature Walk
10:00 am: Wash hands /Toileting/Pull up Change
10:10 am: Montessori morning work (Teacher will present lessons)
11:40 am: Circle Time
12:00 pm-12:30 pm: Wash hands/Lunch
12:30 pm: Clean up/Set up bedding/Toileting/Pull up Change
12:40 pm: Nap Time
2:30 pm: Wake up/Toileting/Pull up Change/Afternoon Snack
3:00 pm: Dismissal
3:15 pm: Extended School Care /Departure
5:30 pm: School Closed